Antimicrobial surfaces

✔ Do you need to test the activity of your surfaces or surface treatments in accordance with standards and in line with your product’s intended use?

👉 Our teams can help you carry out these tests and adapt to the diversity of your environments!

Tailor-made support

ACM Pharma Fonderephar adapts to each need

👉 Do you need to assess the antimicrobial activity of your surfaces? We can help you meet your specific needs in accordance with the standards in force!

  • Antimicrobial activity of surfaces according to JIS Z2801, ISO 22196, NF ISO 7581
  • Antimicrobial activity of textiles in accordance with ISO 20743

✔ Our teams have developed real experience for these tests and can adapt to your project: type of support, design of your supports, etc. and thanks to our diversified strain library we can carry out tests on strains of interest depending on the sector targeted.

👉 Do you need to assess the antiviral activity of your surfaces? We can help you meet your specific requirements in accordance with the standards in force!

  • Determination of the virucidal activity of textile products ISO 18184
  • Measurement of antiviral activity on plastics and other non-porous surfaces ISO 21702
  • Assessment of the virucidal activity of chemical products intended for the disinfection of inanimate and non-porous surfaces ASTM E 105

✔ Our teams have developed real experience for these tests and can adapt to your project!

Iskandar K, Pecastaings S, LeGac C, Salvatico S, Feuillolay C, Guittard M, Marchin L, Verelst M, Roques C.Pharmaceutics. 2023 Apr 17;15(4):1261. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics15041261.

Feuillolay C, Haddioui L, Verelst M, Furiga A, Marchin L, Roques C.J Appl Microbiol. 2018 Jul;125(1):45-55. doi: 10.1111/jam.13752.

Business process

Our expertise


Diverse strain libraries


Protocol and customised study on your strains and/or surfaces


Real expertise from our teams


Strong involvement in national and international standards work: AFNOR T72Q – CEN/TC 216/ TC 330

approche ACM Pharma
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